While this is not my first blog post (I will elaborate more on this in another post), this is my first official blog post in my capacity as a graphic designer. I took the leap last year to start my own business (see About Me for more on that) and its been exciting and terrifying all at the same time. When I told people about my plan to leave my corporate job to be a freelance graphic designer, the reactions usually fell into one of three categories. How can you be a tax accountant one day and a graphic designer the next? C’mon man what’s the real story? Something is up. And wow I totally envy you and wish I could pursue my passion.

Source:Caroline Ford
The answer to the first question was I enrolled in a graphic design certificate program at Hunter College in New York. After work, I went to class for 3 hours. On non-class nights I did homework util 2 am after work and weekends. After I received my certificate, I continued more focused studies at the School of Visual Arts and Parsons in NYC.
The answer to the second question of what’s the real story is simple. I was not happy doing my day job and it was time to finally make a change. I reviewed my finances, worked on a business plan and plotted the timing of my transition from accountant to designer. As one might guess, there never is a good time to make a big change in your life. Some of my colleagues found that out a little too late resulting in heart attacks all too early in life. And yes It would have been nice to work another two or three years and earn a few more bonuses. But then I reminded myself “pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.“
I want this blog to be an extension of me: a place I can share my thoughts, design inspirations, and more. And now for a little housekeeping. If I recommend a product or company, that I am not receiving any compensation or other rewards from them. I am just trying to give the reader a starting point for their own journey (should they choose to embark). So if you like what you see and read on this blog, tell a friend or colleague, post a comment or ask a question. Let’s share together.