been fascinating. I generally use Adobe Illustrator for my illustrations; but the

The Sketches for Scream for Justice

Justice at Risk
In the end, the plane, city and boat represent the jurisprudence that Lady Justice reins over – air, land and sea. As she screams at what she has witnessed, she has dropped her sword symbolizing a loss of authority. Justitia has also dropped the scales which results in an imbalance in weighing evidence and a loss of reasoning.
As the goddess witnesses injustice, the blood and life is drained from her head to her toes. It makes her sickly green looking and almost turning her to stone. The skyline turns from green to blue as the city attempts to conspire with the sky and sea to overtake justice. With it comes a fiery result that engulfs the city.
However the goddess turns away from the land, sea and air in an attempt to simulate the appearance of having a blindfold on. Although her sword is rusty, it floats just below the surface. And Lady Justice’s scales, bent and distorted, float on the surface indicating hope.